This site is dedicated to exploring the use of digital tools and resources to enhance personalised creativity. The information is directed towards teachers who would like to create fun and engaging learning opportunities for their students.

This blog provides something for all year levels and can be adapted to suit many subject areas.

The internet is no longer just a source of information, it is also a tool for creativity which allows students to have ownership of their learning.


12:20 AM
Photo editing can be a very useful tool in the classroom or in education for providing opportunities to develop personal creativity. There are countless photo editing tools and software available; it is hard to determine which is best, as they all provide different tools and opportunities. We have provided a wide range that is available, but will be focusing on two.

In an educational context, students are able to use photo editing to gain and demonstrate ownership, and can increase motivation in the content topic. While using photo editing software, students are also developing creative skills as well as ICT skills, decision-making skills and literacy and numeracy skills. Photo editing can be incorporated into any key learning area, and the demonstrations will give some specific examples.

The first presentation showcases , a free online software for customising photographs. The second presentation exhibits the benefits of another program called , which is a great tool for pursuing personal creativity. Enjoy!

Created by Kate

Here is a collection of more sites which provide photo editing options.