This site is dedicated to exploring the use of digital tools and resources to enhance personalised creativity. The information is directed towards teachers who would like to create fun and engaging learning opportunities for their students.

This blog provides something for all year levels and can be adapted to suit many subject areas.

The internet is no longer just a source of information, it is also a tool for creativity which allows students to have ownership of their learning.


12:19 AM
The use of computer games in education offers a range of teaching and learning potential. There are many games which allow students to create and customise content within the game this promotes ownership and increases motivation.

Computer games provide students with the opportunity to develop ICT skills, pattern recognition, problem solving skills, decision-making skills, improve short-term and long-term memory, develop creativity skills, team building skills, literacy and numeracy skills.


The first game mentioned is Shidonni.  This game can be used with both Primary and Secondary students and can be adapted to suit any subject area.

Trackmania Nations Forever

The next game is called Trackmania Nations Forever.  It is a car racing game which is free to download . You may wonder how this game could qualify as a tool for personalised creativity.
This game also comes with an ‘editor’ component where students can build a track, design a car and edit and save a video of a race. Here is a presentation with more information.

These presentations have been made using .  Prezi is a great presentation tool and an alternative to Powerpoint.  You are given a large page which you can then add text, images, links and videos.  You then design a path for the presentation and it zooms to each piece of content in the order you have set.

In the classroom, Prezi would be great for presenting research or a book review.  It is also great for creating Digital Portfolios and collecting process work and students can reflect on their learning.

Soup Toys

Soup Toys is a free download game. You play it straight on to your desktop. It allows you to set up different sequences and contraptions using different items. You can keep your desktop as the background or choose a blue background.  It is a great tool to develop personal creativity because students contruct the contraptions themselves, they can be as simple or as complex as they want.

It is a great tool for problem solving, predicting results, physics and decision making. You can also record each sequence and save them.

A great activity would be to set a few limits for students and see the different results they create.

Eg. You can only use three levers and five balls or build a castle to house four dolls.

It is also a lot of fun just to play with.

Created by Stephanie