This site is dedicated to exploring the use of digital tools and resources to enhance personalised creativity. The information is directed towards teachers who would like to create fun and engaging learning opportunities for their students.

This blog provides something for all year levels and can be adapted to suit many subject areas.

The internet is no longer just a source of information, it is also a tool for creativity which allows students to have ownership of their learning.


7:27 PM
Drawing Online

Perhaps more than any other discipline used by children, drawing allows for some acute views into the child’s mind. Children’s drawings can often tell us complex stories about their thoughts and feelings and the depth of their imagination. Rich and intricate creations are brought to life through their formation of art. Their drawings give meaning and can show an understanding and comprehension of different experiences. Above all, their creations are always enjoyable, original and delightful to explore.

Myebook - i-draw online - click here to open my ebook
Myebook - i-draw aviary - click here to open my ebook

Created by Clare

Here is a collection of more Online Drawing tools you may wish to explore.